Kalani Craig, Ph.D.

Fall 2024 H699 Week 14

Week 14: Sustainability and publication platforms


The DHQ resilience issue at http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/17/1/ is a great read, but for this week, we’ll focus on a single article:

Sara Diamond, “The Dangers of Disappearance, the Opportunities of Recovery”, Digital Humanities Quarterly 17.1 (2023), http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/17/1/000670/000670.html

Use this as a model for your sustainability plan.

Consulting in Digital Humanities/history

We are often called on to be experts (even when it feels like we’re not). Today, our H585 folks will provide sustainability consulting for our H699 folks using

  • The peer-review feature in canvas for our assignment this week: Sustainability plan for your project
  • This set of consulting questions, courtesy of what was the Institute for Digital Arts and Humanities: File IDAH Consult Questions Shahidi Craig Dalmau et al.docx could not be included in the ePub document. Please see separate zip file for access.


We’ll focus on you being your own publisher using “static site generation” using Jekyll at Github, and on LOCKSS (Lots Of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe) with a focus on the Wayback Machine. We’ll also talk briefly about how these things fail sometimes.


We will all create Github accounts in class and make a very small professional website. To further develop your web site, you can come back to this Programming Historian tutorial: https://programminghistorian.org/en/lessons/collaborative-blog-with-jekyll- github

To format your new page, use Markdown. Search “markdown cheat sheet” to see how to format using markdown. Search “jekyll .md file format” to see how to form the metadata and the file properly.


The classroom we’re in is part of an on-campus learning-outcomes research project. They ask students who take courses in here to do a survey: https://iu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_09Dz7rJODlOTRgW

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