Kalani Craig, Ph.D.

Workshops, Talks & Consulting

I am available as an outside consultant for digital arts and humanities research administration and pedagogy development, for individual departmental needs or for campus-wide programs. My role in establishing a digital-arts-and-humanities training pipeline is well suited to helping develop campus-wide digital-humanities faculty and graduate-student professional development programs, and my experience using digital methods as both a medieval historian and as an educational researcher root my DH consulting work in several academic domains.

In addition to more general DH consulting, I also offer workshops on a variety of tools and methods, with a particular tool focus on network analysis and a methods focus on attracting traditional researchers and teachers to digital methods using analog tools.

See below for a list of select invited presentations and workshops.

Invited Talks


"Negotiating Network Analysis: Balancing Historical Thinking and Data Science Learning in Digital Humanities with Net.Create" for the Center for Research on Learning and Technology, Indiana University–Bloomington, Dec 15, 2021. (As the only IU speaker in the annual invited-talk series.)

Keynote Address: "Putting Pedagogy First in the Digital Humanities: Low-Risk Inroads to Digital-Methods Research through Faculty-Student Partnerships”, Inaugural St. Mary’s University Research Week (San Antonio, TX), April 19, 2021.


"The Human Element in the Digital Arts & Humanities: The Role of Fear and Failure in Successful Digital Humanities", Baylor University (Waco, TX), February 25, 2020).


"Student-Driven Digital Humanities: Net.Create and the Role of Pedagogy Research in Digital Humanities Tool-Building", Digital Scholarship Lab, Ball State University (Muncie, Indiana), September 18, 2019.

"Subject, Object, Centrality: Network Analysis in History Research and Teaching", Workshop on Quantitative Analysis and the Digital Turn in Historical Studies, The Fields Institute, (Toronto, Canada), February 27, 2019.

Plenary speaker for "AHA Getting Started in Digital History" at the 133rd annual meeting of the American Historical Association (Chicago, IL), January 4, 2019.


Forum participant, "Always Already Computational: Collections as Data" (NEH-Funded grant panel), University of Nevada, Las Vegas, May 7-8, 2018.

Plenary speaker for "AHA Getting Started in Digital History" at the 132nd annual meeting of the American Historical Association (Washington, DC), January 4, 2018.


"Citation Preservation as a Tool to Open Paywalled Sources to Computational Analysis for Novice Digital Humanities Practitioners" at Translation Studies and/in the Digital Humanities, sponsored by The Centre for Translation Technologies at Chinese University of Hong Kong, (Hong Kong), June 12-13 2017.

Plenary speaker for "AHA Getting Started in Digital History" at the 131st annual meeting of the American Historical Association (Denver, CO), January 5, 2017.


Plenary speaker for "AHA Getting Started in Digital History" at the 130th annual meeting of the American Historical Association (Atlanta, GA), October 12, 2015.

Plenary speaker for "AHA Getting Started in Digital History" at the 129th annual meeting of the American Historical Association (New York, NY), January 2–5, 2015.

Select Workshops


"Teaching Digital-History Tool Design: the role of pedagogy and teaching in shaping digital-history research methods", Butler University, Indianapolis, IN, Nov 1, 2024.

"Project Management in Digital Humanities Research" and "Network Tools in Digital Humanities Research", DH Institute in Vercelli: Medieval Manuscripts in a Modern World, Vercelli, Italy, June 13-17, 2024.

"Researching across the Digital-Methods Curriculum: Framing Teaching as a Site for DH Research" for an NEH-funded Public-Digital-Humanities initiative, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN, Feb 19, 2024.


"Granting the Future" grant-identification and grant-writing workshop series for COPLAC Digital, a Mellon-funded grant initiative, with the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges, October 26, 2020, and January 14, 2021.


Moderator and panelist, "Careers for Historians in the Tech Industry." Initially an American Historical Association Annual Meeting 2020 panel; repurposed as part of the Virtual AHA Career Development Series officially sponsored by the American Historical Association because of COVID19 (100 live attendees; 350 post-event as of January, 2021), September 29, 2020.

"The Classroom Component of Digital Humanities: Low-Tech Methods for High-Impact DH Pedagogy" Baylor University (Waco, TX), February 26, 2020).


*Haesol Bae, Kalani Craig, Joshua A. Danish, Cindy Hmelo-Silver, *Suraj Uttamchandani, *Maksymilian Szostalo, Ann McCranie, "The Power of Network Analysis Tool for Collaborative Learning.". Interactive Demo presented in Lund, K., Niccolai, G. P., Lavoué, E., Hmelo-Silver, C., Gweon, G., & Baker, M. (Eds.), A Wide Lens: Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings, 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2019, pp. 1025-1028 (June 2019).

DOI: https://doi.dx.org/10.22318/cscl2019.1025.


"Digital Humanities, Digital Methods" at the 2018 Graduate Methods Training Workshop, Russian and East European Institute (Bloomington, IN), September 15, 2018.


"A Brief Intro to Digital Humanities", a joint workshop for the Association for Jewish Studies and the Association for Slavic/East European and Eurasian Studies (streamed live online), April 18, 2016.


"Introduction to Data Normalization for Digital Humanities", Indiana University/Purdue University–Indianapolis (Indianapolis, IN), September 16, 2014.

Plenary speaker for "AHA Getting Started in Digital History" and breakout session leader for "Spatial History and Geographic Information Systems" at the 128th annual meeting of the American Historical Association (Washington, D.C.), January 2–5, 2014.

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