Kalani Craig, Ph.D.

Digital History Pedagogy

Teaching-Related Grants

Kalani Craig, Joshua Danish, Cindy Hmelo-Silver, Ann McCranie. EAGER (EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research) Program, Award #1848655 ($299,661) as PI for "Net.Create (network analysis to support reading comprehension in history" classrooms with Co-PIs Joshua Danish & Cindy Hmelo-Silver (both IUB School of Education). National Science Foundation (NSF). 2018-2021.
Kalani Craig, Joshua Danish, Cindy Hmelo-Silver. Faculty Research Support Program—External Resubmission ($59,986) for Net.Create (network analysis to support reading comprehension in history classrooms with Co-PIs Joshua Danish & Cindy Hmelo-Silver, IUB School of Education). Office of the Vice Provost for Research, Indiana University. 2017-2018.

Teaching-Related Research

Kalani Craig, Joshua Danish, *Megan Humburg, Cindy Hmelo-Silver, *Maksymilian Szostalo, Ann McCranie. "Net.Create: Network Visualization to Support Collaborative Historical Knowledge Building." International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 16, 185-223. 2021. Link: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11412-021-09343-9.

Kalani Craig, *Megan Alyse Humburg, Joshua Danish, *Maksymilian Szostalo, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Ann McCranie, "Net.Create: Engaging Undergraduate History Students with Historical Social Network Analysis through Remote Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic", in Information and Learning Sciences 121.7/8, "Evidence-based and Pragmatic Online Teaching and Learning Approaches: A Response to Emergency Transitions to Remote Online Education in K-12 and Higher Education" (July 2020). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/ILS-04-2020-0105.

"History in 140 characters: Twitter to Support Reading Comprehension and Argumentation in Digital-Humanities Pedagogy", in Emerging Learning Design Journal 5, pp. 19-28 (June 2017). Link: https://digitalcommons.montclair.edu/eldj/vol5/iss1/3/.
"Analog Tools in Digital History Classrooms: An Activity-Theory Case Study of Learning Opportunities in Digital Humanities," in International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning 11, No 1 (January 2017). DOI: https://doi.org/10.20429/ijsotl.2017.110107.

Teaching Resources

A Storify of the AHA 2015 Digital Pedagogy Lightning Round

For AHA 2015’s Digital Pedagogy Lightning Round (Session 95), a few of us in the audience were Tweeting. Here’s a Storify of the Tweets that came of of that session.

Teaching Digital Humanities with Analog Tools: Word Clouds and Text Mining

This lesson plan draws on my own research interests in text mining and corpus linguistics to create a compact text mining exercise--a single book in a single class session--which makes text mining feel approachable but also exposes the weaknesses and the strengths of text mining as a methodological approach to students.

Teaching Digital Humanities with Analog Tools: The Iliad and Networks

This lesson plan draws on my own research interests in network analysis to create a compact introduction to network analysis, drawing on student familiarity with and professional research on modern social networks.

Teaching Digital Humanities with Analog Tools: Background and Assumptions

It's hard to guarantee access to all the right tools for digital humanities in a standard classroom. That's doubly true in a survey course that's listed as a traditional history class, especially when it's not feasible to schedule every single class session in a computer lab. This series tackles digital history lesson plans in analog classrooms with minimal tech.

Teaching Digital Humanities with Analog Tools: Background and Assumptions

It's hard to guarantee access to all the right tools for digital humanities in a standard classroom. That's doubly true in a survey course that's listed as a traditional history class, especially when it's not feasible to schedule every single class session in a computer lab. This series tackles digital history lesson plans in analog classrooms with minimal tech.

Recap of a "Flipped Classroom" master class

A response to a flipped-classroom presentation

The 5 "P"s of reading primary sources

Unpacking and reassembly instructions for primary sources with mnemonic tags to make memorization and recall easier.

Courses Taught

Digital History for Undergraduates

Semester Format Assignments
Spring 2022 H301 Digital History: Small intermediate-level research seminar Individual micro-history-inspired digital-methods analysis included in group-produced web site
Spring 2021 J400 Digital History: Small hybrid online/FTF senior research-methods course Individual student-driven digital-history analysis and long-form written essay
Spring 2017 H301 Digital History: Small intermediate-level research seminar Individual micro-history-inspired digital-methods analysis included in group-produced web site
Fall 2017 J300 Digital History: Small writing-intensive course for general-education requirement Individual object micro-history with digital-methods analysis and long-form written essay
Fall 2019 H301 Digital History: Small intermediate-level research seminar Public-history community engagement web site paired with a group-based digital-methods analysis
Spring 2019 A200 Digital Public History: Small first-year research seminar Public-history community engagement web site with accompanying in-person exhibit and poster session

The Black Death

Semester Format Assignments
Fall 2022 Large online asynchronous course Spec-grading weekly reflections and a student-driven creative adaptation of plague-history primary sources
Fall 2021 Large online asynchronous course Spec-grading weekly reflections and a student-driven creative adaptation of plague-history primary sources
Fall 2020 Large online asynchronous course Spec-grading weekly reflections and a student-driven creative adaptation of plague-history primary sources
Fall 2015 Large active-learning course Individual argumentation essays
Fall 2016 Large active-learning course Group posters
Spring 2018 Large active-learning course Group posters
Spring 2020 Large active-learning course Group public-history exhibits and, post-COVID shutdown, a Net.Create network
Fall 2023 Large online asynchronous course Spec-grading weekly reflections and a student-driven creative adaptation of plague-history primary sources

Medieval Survey

Semester Format Assignments
Fall 2018 B200 Medieval Saints and Sinners: Mid-sized survey course Individual timeline entries with group scaffolding, and individual historiography essays

Digital History for Graduate Students

Semester Format Assignments
Fall 2019 Graduate colloquium (dual-enrollment with H301) Public-history community engagement web site paired with a draft grant proposal
Spring 2017 Graduate colloquium (dual-enrollment with H301) Digital-methods analysis paper plus draft grant proposal
Spring 2016 Graduate colloquium Digital-methods analysis paper plus draft grant proposal
Fall 2024 Graduate colloquium Theory

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