Kalani Craig, Ph.D.

dighist Research & Projects

Digital History Publications

Digital History Tools


DigitalArc Toolkit: a toolkit and minimal-computing website platform for community-owned storytelling and digital archiving. First release May 2024



Net.Create (netcreate.org and github.com/netcreateorg/netcreate-2018). Kalani Craig & Joshua A. Danish. Initial development, 2016. Full release, 2018. Current version: v6, 2022. (NSF #1848655)



Minimal-computing Github Pages website template and programming for History Harvests. Released 2019. Current version: v3, 2021.


Digital History Exhibits


"A Pilgrimage through the Global Middle Ages" with Medieval Studies at Indiana University. Organized, edited, and wrote contributions for a web-based public-history walking tour of IUB.



"Indiana University Bloomington: Identity Through Objects" with H301 Fall 2019 Digital History students, the Center for Research on Race, Ethnicity & Society and the Institute for Digital Arts & Humanities. History Harvest public event: Oct 2019; launch of website spring 2020.


"Remembering Freedom: Longtown/Greenville History Harvest" with the Longtown/Greenville Descendant community, Jazma Sutton, Matthew Landini, the Center for Research on Race, Ethnicity & Society, and the Institute for Digital Arts & Humanities. History Harvest public event: Sept 2019; launch of https://longtownhistory.github.io, summer 2021


"Indiana University Bloomington Student History Harvest" with A200 Fall Spring First Year Research Experience ASURE Digital Public History students. History Harvest public event: March 2019; launch April 15, 2019.




Michelle Dalmau (PI), Kalani Craig (Co-PI), Vanessa Elias (Co-PI), Jazma Sutton (Co-PI). Digital Justice Development Grant ($99,802) for "Archiving Out of the Box: Supporting Community Ownership of Shared Narratives through a Digital Archiving and Storytelling Kit". American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS). 2024-2025.


Joshua A. Danish (PI), Kalani Craig (Co-PI), Cindy Hmelo-Silver (Co-PI), Ben Loh (Co-PI). ITEST (Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers) Program, Award #1848655 ($900,000) for "Collaborative Research: Integrating Students’ Interests, Identities and Ways of Knowing with Network Visualization Tools to Explore Data Literacy Concepts". National Science Foundation (NSF). 2023-2025.


Ann McCranie (PI), Kalani Craig (Co-PI), Kate Eddens (Co-PI), "Data-Driven Human Network Design ($400,000), an oral-history and network-science analysis of Lumina Foundation’s grant-funding and meeting history.


Ann McCranie (PI), Kalani Craig (Co-PI), Kate Eddens (Co-PI), "Data-Driven Human Network Design ($250,000). Lumina Foundation


Kalani Craig (PI), Joshua A. Danish (Co-PI), Cindy Hmelo-Silver (Co-PI), Ann McCranie. EAGER (EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research) Program, Award #1848655 ($299,661) for "Net.Create (network analysis to support reading comprehension in history classrooms". National Science Foundation (NSF). 2018-2021.

Kalani Craig (PI), Joshua A. Danish (Co-PI), Cindy Hmelo-Silver (Co-PI). Faculty Research Support Program—External Resubmission ($59,986) for Net.Create (network analysis to support reading comprehension in history classrooms with Co-PIs Joshua A. Danish & Cindy Hmelo-Silver, IUB School of Education). Office of the Vice Provost for Research, Indiana University. 2017-2018.

Refereed Articles & Chapters

* = graduate student at time of publication


Kalani Craig, Arlene Diaz and David Kloster, "The Coded Language of Empire: Digital History, Archival Deep-Dives and US Imperialism in Cuba’s Third War of Independence", American Historical Review, Volume 129, Issue 2, June 2024, Pages 475–516.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/ahr/rhae179.

Mengxi Zhou*, Selena Steinberg*, Christina Stiso*, Joshua A. Danish, and Kalani Craig. "Using network visualizations to engage elementary students in locally relevant data literacy." In Information and Learning Sciences (December, 2023).

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/ILS-06-2023-0069. http://joshuadanish.com/assets/pdfs/Zhou_ISLS2023_WebReady.pdf.


*Jazma Sutton, Kalani Craig, "Reaping the Harvest: Descendant Archival Practice to Foster Sustainable Digital Archives for Rural Black Women" in Digital Humanities Quarterly 16.3 "Between DH and Me: Special Issue on Black Studies in/for the Rising Digital Humanities Generation" (Aug 2022).



*Haesol Bae, Kalani Craig, *Fangli Xia, *Yuxin Chen, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, "Developing Historical Thinking in Large Lecture Classrooms Through PBL Inquiry Supported with Synergistic Scaffolding", The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, Vol. 15 No 2 (2021).

DOI: https://doi.org/10.14434/ijpbl.v15i2.28776.

Kalani Craig, Joshua A. Danish, *Megan Humburg, Cindy Hmelo-Silver, *Maksymilian Szostalo, Ann McCranie, "Net.Create: Network Visualization to Support Collaborative Historical Knowledge Building" in International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 16 (2021), pp. 185–223.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11412-021-09343-9 .


Kalani Craig, *Megan Alyse Humburg, Joshua A. Danish, *Maksymilian Szostalo, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Ann McCranie, "Increasing students’ social engagement during COVID-19 with Net.Create: collaborative social network analysis to map historical pandemics during a pandemic", Information and Learning Sciences, Vol. 121 No. 7/8 (July 2020), pp. 533-547.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/ILS-04-2020-0105 .


"History in 140 characters: Twitter to Support Reading Comprehension and Argumentation in Digital-Humanities Pedagogy", in Emerging Learning Design Journal 5, pp. 19-28 (June 2017).


"Analog Tools in Digital History Classrooms: An Activity-Theory Case Study of Learning Opportunities in Digital Humanities," in International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning 11, No 1 (January 2017).

DOI: https://doi.org/10.20429/ijsotl.2017.110107 .


"Bishops and Balancing Acts: Divine and Human Agency in Gregory of Tours’ Vision of Episcopal Authority," in Envisioning the Bishop: Images and the Episcopacy in the Middle Ages, edited by Sigrid Danielson and Evan Gatti (Brepols, 2014).


Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings


Mengxi Zhou*, Selena Steinberg*, Christina Stiso*, Joshua A. Danish, and Kalani Craig. "Exploring Network Visualization of Data in Elementary Classrooms." In Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) (June 2023).


Christina Stiso*, Mengxi Zhou*, Selena Steinberg*, Joshua A. Danish, and Kalani Craig. "Visualizing Funds of Identity: Using Network Software to Model Collective Identity in a Classroom." In Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) (June 2023).



*Megan Alyse Humburg, Kalani Craig, Joshua A. Danish, *Maksymilian Szostalo. "Fostering Historical Empathy through Network Analysis: Personal Experience as a Lens for Understanding the Past" at the 2021 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, April 8-12, 2021. Virtual due to COVID-19.


Kalani Craig, Joshua A. Danish, *Haesol Bae, *Maksymilian Szostalo, *Megan Alyse Humburg, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Ann McCranie, "Net.Create: Network Analysis in Collaborative Co-Construction of Historical Context in a Large Undergraduate Classroom", in Gresalfi, M. and Horn, I. S. (Eds.), The Interdisciplinarity of the Learning Sciences, 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2020, Volume 2 (pp. 1055-1062). Nashville, Tennessee: International Society of the Learning Sciences. Presentation cancelled due to COVID-19, but published conference proceedings included final paper submission.

DOI: https://doi.dx.org/10.22318/icls2020.1055.


*Haesol Bae, Kalani Craig, Joshua A. Danish, Cindy Hmelo-Silver, *Suraj Uttamchandani, *Maksymilian Szostalo, "Mediating Collaboration in History with Network Analysis", in Lund, K., Niccolai, G. P., Lavoué, E., Hmelo-Silver, C., Gweon, G., & Baker, M. (Eds.), A Wide Lens: Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings, 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2019, pp. 949-950 (June 2019).

DOI: https://doi.dx.org/10.22318/cscl2019.949.


*Haesol Bae, Kalani Craig, *Fangli Xia, *Yuxin Chen, Cindy Hmelo-Silver, "Developing Historical Thinking in Large Lecture Classrooms Through PBL Inquiry Supported with Synergistic Scaffolding", in Rethinking Learning in the Digital Age: Making the Learning Sciences Count, 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2018, pp. 1438-1440 (June 2018).


Kalani Craig, *Charlie Mahoney, Joshua A. Danish, "Correcting for Presentism in Student Reading of Historical Accounts Through Digital History Methodologies" at the 2017 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (San Antonio, TX), April 28, 2017.

Whitepapers & Service


"#WhyDAH: A Scholarly Reflection on Why Digital Arts and Humanities Matter", three-year review of the Institute for Digital Arts and Humanities, provided as a public model of digital-arts-and-humanities center management. 394 unique visitors in 2020.


"Digital history at the intersection of teaching, service, and research", promotion dossier provided as a public model of digital-history research, teaching, and service. 247 unique visitors in 2020 .



"Project Roles and a Consideration of Process and Product" in "Professional Evaluation of Digital Scholarship in History" to accompany the American Historical Association’s "Guidelines for the Evaluation of Digital Scholarship"



Rebecca Wingo, Kalani Craig, "What Do Digital Historians Want? Lessons from the AHA’s Digital History Workshop" in Perspectives on History 55.9 (American Historical Association, Washington DC: Dec 2017).

https://www.historians.org/publications-and-directories/perspectives-on-history/december-2017/what-do-digital-historians-want-lessons-from-the-ahas-digital-history-workshop .

Arguing with Digital History working group, "Digital History and Argument," white paper, Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media (November 13, 2017)



"The Ouroboros; or, How ‘Digital’ and ‘Humanities’ Will Shape Each Other in the Near Future" for the "New Horizons [The Technologies Ahead]" editorial column in EDUCAUSE Review 46, No. 5 (September/October 2011).

Blog Posts

A workflow for paywalled data in an open-access world

Workflows for Paywalled Texts and Open Data Ideals

START HERE for basic process that addresses managing text-mining projects based on paywalled or subscription-only data

Workflows for Paywalled Texts: The "easy" Excel-only version

If your technical skill set includes Excel but not any scripting, start here, get used to the process, and then graduate to the advanced database/scripting version.

Workflows for Paywalled Texts: The "difficult" database/scripting version

If you have experience in R, python, PHP, or any other scripting language, this advanced version creates a more flexible, easily-searchable database that can be customized to meet just about anyone's analysis needs.

Workflows for Text Mining in Under-supported Languages (An Addendum)

If you're working with a language that has limited or ineffective support for text mining, this describes the process for adding lemma (meaningful root words) to your citation database.

Tools for a digital writing process

Academic Writing Process: Organizing a Digital Thought Process

START HERE if you're reading any of the "academic writing process" posts. This post outlines the whole process and notes where changes for research, data management and analysis have happened over the last 6 years since the original posts went online.

Academic Writing Process: Random information gathering: Evernote

This post describes how I use Evernote to collect information from a variety of sources for sorting later

Academic Writing Process: Digital archiving: Canon camera plus, Photoshop and Acrobat

This post talks about the camera and photo editing process I use

Academic Writing Process: Reading and annotating: Skim

Skim for academic annotation and reading

Academic Writing Process: Writing: Scrivener

How Scrivener saved my a*!@

This site built with Foundation 6. Kalani Craig, 2025